Available for download at Adobe Stock, this beautifully designed portfolio template is fully customizable and comes in two basic sizes: A4 and US Letter.
Graphic designer and Adobe Stock contributor @bourjart has created this beautiful portfolio template. It consists of 24 pages in the size of A4 and US Letter. The layout is completely editable in Adobe InDesign. Furthermore, the template is totally print ready but you can also save it as a low-resolution PDF file to send it via email to clients or colleagues. Any sample text is for display only and may not be included in the end-use. You can add your own text or images with just a few simple clicks.
As mentioned before, this graphic design asset requires Adobe InDesign. You can get the latest version from the Adobe Creative Cloud website, just have a look here. Feel free to learn more about this new portfolio template by clicking on the following link or have a look at the images below.
You can find even more graphic stock items in our recommended Templates category. The section includes countless reviews of diverse graphic design resources.
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