A New Program for Graphic Design—this book by David Reinfurt is a comprehensive toolkit for visual literacy in the 21st century.
Consisting of a series of in-depth historical case studies (ranging from Benjamin Franklin to the Macintosh computer) as well as tasks that are becoming increasingly complex, this book serves as the perfect guide for both established graphic designers and students. A New Program for Graphic Design synthesizes the pragmatic with the experimental, drawing on the work of Max Bill, Beatrice Warde, Muriel Cooper, and Stewart Brand (among others). With 256 pages, the book is built on a variety of educational models from the mid to late 20th century to convey contemporary design principles for students and designers of all levels. For those who want to understand and shape our increasingly networked world of information, this amazing guide to visual competence is the perfect tool. A New Program for Graphic Design is available at Amazon. Just click on the following link to learn more or have a look at the images below.
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